Remote Work in IT industry: Warning Signs of An Employee BurnoutImage

Remote Work in IT industry: Warning Signs of An Employee Burnout

The pandemic brought with it a new and unique set of issues for employers to deal with. The struggle to be more flexible and versatile forces employers' hands to adapt to the unpredictable nature of modern work. But, at what cost?

Most IT companies are not ready for such scenarios. In addition, the ever-changing technology for work means that employees are being pulled in different directions, which can cause exhaustion. In fact, a recent survey from Employment Hero says that roughly 40% of local workers will hunt for a new job within the year. In comparison, 15% say they are currently searching for 'better' employment opportunities.

Such alarming statistics can be traced to the fact that many employees feel overworked, stressed out, and even depressed. In addition, the common trend of working in more than one job means that employees are being put under an immense amount of pressure, often feeling that they are treading water.

Failing to spot the warning signs of employee burnout could mean losing a valuable worker and facing an uphill battle to find a replacement.

No employees will admit to feeling burnt out, but employers can look out for some clear warning signs of burnout.

  1. They do not care about their work

As a sign of burnout sets in, employees become apathetic and complacent. They may stop caring about the tasks or projects they are involved in and lose interest in getting involved. Burnout can also cause a new employee to lose interest in a good idea, as they feel too overworked and under pressure to put the necessary effort into their work.

  1. They are not engaged in what they do

 They stop taking pride in what they do. They do not care about the quality of their work and often rush through it to get it done and move on to something else.

  1. The quality of work they produce declines

Give them a task to complete, but their performance does not improve over time. Instead, when they are under the burden of work, they may slack off and produce low-quality work as a result. This can be as simple as sloppy code or as standard as poor grammar and spelling mistakes.

  1. They constantly complain

Employers must create a healthy environment where ideas and suggestions can be shared and implemented positively to get the most out of their employees. However, when an employee is overworked and constantly over-stressed, they become irritable and snappy.

How can employers support in the new normal?

  1. Confront unrealistic workloads. How much work can be realistically expected from one person? Unfortunately, many employers still think in terms of full-time employees and may fail to manage workloads accordingly.
  2. Roll out flexible working policies. Offering flexible working arrangements to new and existing employees can help to reduce stress levels and encourage a more enthusiastic and engaged workforce.
  3. Encourage and facilitate regular breaks and exercise breaks throughout the day. Ensure that the working environment is not too confined but does not encourage employees to work remotely.
  4. Encourage social interaction with outside workers. This can create a feeling of community and will allow for valuable feedback on various issues.
  5. Provide resources. Lockdown and travel restrictions make it harder for workers to focus on their work. Offering resources like ballpoint pens and professional development opportunities is a small step towards achieving this.

Employers should use flex-time or remote-working policies to allow employees to work when they are the most productive.

Poor management leading to burnout can result in employees feeling disillusioned about their work, but flexible working policies can help businesses to keep their best workers. With almost half of local employees looking for a new job this year, employers must work hard to ensure that they do not become part of the statistics.